L6 Cattle Ranches, LLC              

Producer of High Quality Grass-Fed Angus Beef


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HomeSales    February 16, 2025
Purchasing Grass-Fed Beef Minimize


When you are ready to purchase our Grass-fed beef we will discuss with you how you want your meat cut and the desired packaging and special processing such as burger patties.  We have scheduled appointments with our local meat processor located in Ft. Sumner or Moriarty that allows us to fill orders on a monthly basis during the sales season which begins in August and usually continues until April.


After we deliver our live animal to the processor, the carcass is dry aged for a period of 3 weeks.  When the 3 week dry-age processing is finished, the processor will cut and package the meat according to your meat cut specifications at which time the meat is quick-frozen and will remain frozen while it is delivered or picked up


Your frozen meat packages are stored and delivered in freezer cardboard meat boxes.  You can choose to pick up your order at our ranch, from the processor, or arrange for delivery within 2 hours driving distance of Corona, NM.

Sales Information Minimize
  • Whole, half or quarter beef.
  • Processed meat weight will be approximately 75-115 for a quarter, 150-230 lbs. for a half beef, and 300-460 bs. for a whole beef, depending on the live weight at processing time .
  • Please allow up to 6-weeks for delivery upon receipt of order.  Meat carcass is dry-aged for 3-weeks.
  • The price of our beef is $4.25/lb based on its  hanging hot carcass weight.   Taxes, slaughter and processing fees are added to this cost.  Typical processing fees will run approximately $1.00/lb.  Your order can be picked up at Fort Sumner Processing or Western Way in Moriarty.  Delivery may be an option as well.
    To figure the price for a half beef, including processing and packaging, will vary according to the live weight.  A steer with a live weight of 800 lb. will cost approximately $1350.00 for a half, while a 1000 lb. steer will cost approximately $1600.00.
  • A deposit of $200.00 is required for a quarter beef, $400.00 for a half beef, and $800 for a whole upon reservation.
  • Upon receipt of order, we will provide you with a form to specify the meat cuts.  Sharie will walk you through the ordering process by calling 575-849-0006.
  • Orders that cannot be picked up, delivery may be arranged within the State of New Mexico.
  • A half beef will require approximately 8 cubic feet of space depending on its live weight at processing.
  • Contact us with your specific request.


Meat Cuts Order Forms Minimize
 TitleCategoryModified DateSize 
Whole/Half Cut SheetMeat Cut Specification7/5/20175.19 KBDownload
Standard Quarter Cut SheetMeat Cut Specification7/3/201712.50 KBDownload
Cooking Grass-Fed BeefCooking7/3/201728.50 KBDownload

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